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Digital Identity in Post-Pandemic Era

Very probably, global populations will be far more dependent on Digital Identity in the Post-Covid19 era that our life will be far less dependent on geographical move of people -  fewer face-to-face meetings, less commute, fewer travels and far more dependent on telemedicine, telework and many other tele-something, while threats of Big Brothers by rogue governments, greedy corporations and crime syndicates will be yet greater than ever.

Self-Sovereign Identity, expected to play a critical role in the highly complex situations, would require not just the distributed ledger technology but the most reliable identity authentication if it is to be truly valid and sustainable.

Our responsibility of providing ‘hard-to-forget’, ‘hard-to-break’ and ‘stress-proof’ authentication will be heavy.

First up, we need to re-define “What We Are”

Also, we must stop blaming the password


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